850-926-6534 |
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Attack One Fire Management Services
Prescribed Fire Florida, Wildland Urban Interface,
Wildland Fire Training, Wildland Fire Suppression,
Prescribed Burns, Controlled Burning
Attack-One is staffed with public safety professionals
who have dedicated their lives to protecting
and serving their community. |
Attack-One Fire Management Services began operation in 1998 with its primary focus on wildland fire suppression. To date, Attack-One personnel have responded to more than 50 Fire Incidents throughout the United States providing various types of equipment and overhead personnel.
Attack-One is committed to providing professional and ethical services to our customers through a comprehensive approach to forestry services, multi-hazard planning, training and response. |
Services Provided:
Prescribed Burning (Agricultural & Land Clearing)
Fireline Construction (Plowing/Disc/Mowing)
Certified Prescribed Burn Managers (Florida, Georgia & Alabama)
Wildland Urban Interface
Home Defensible Zones
Hazardous Fuels Reduction (Prescribed Fire/Mechanical)
Landscape Under burning
Brush Removal (Thinning, Pruning, Piling)
Land Clearing (GT-18 Gyro-Trac)
Fire Equipment Contracting (Engines, Dozers, Marsh Master, GT-18 Gyro-Trac, ATV’s)
Wildfire Initial Attack and Mop-Up
NWCG & State Certified Training Instructors (100 & 200 Level Courses)
Quality Emergency Services